Lighting Tests Addendum

PiVisuals asked if I could post the details of my lighting setups from my Outdoor Lighting Tests, so I quickly compiled a quick table of the important settings for each scene.

All scenes have these common settings:

  • “Final Gather” radiosity set with 2 indirect bounces.
  • One main distant light for the sun (or moon).

Scene Backdrop Color Radiosity Intensity Light Color Light Intensity Light Heading Light Pitch
Morning 148,197,255 105% 255,217,190 100% -68° 25°
Mid-Day 120,182,255 100% 255,243,205 100% -7.2° 74°
Evening (n/a) 120% 255,185,0 90% 68° 18°
Night 49,91,174 100% 255,253,236 10% 35° 55°

As I described in the original post, the background color and radiosity for the Evening render uses a large inverted sphere with a 100% luminous surface.  The sphere has a radius of about 500 ft and the surface is a gradient along the X-coordinates, using these values and colors:

Position Color
-344.3 255,192,6
-209.3 204,62,64
-57.1 13,142,255
46.7 69,90,255
150.5 80,13,246
282.0 3,11,123