James Lee’s New Workflow Without Adobe

James Lee, a popular YouTube animator, posted a new video today about the tools he uses in his new workflow. After using Adobe for over a decade, he finally pulled the trigger and switched completely away from all Adobe products.

If you are not familiar with James Lee’s work, his satirical YouTube videos are from the point of view of Nox, his alter-ego. The clips of Nox speaking to the viewer are highly stylized video footage, intermixed with short 2D animations, motion graphics, 3D animations, and occasional stock footage.

A year or two ago, he released a video titled “Breaking up with Adobe” (caution: nsfw), which ended with Nox crawling back to Adobe while lamenting the unhealthy relationship. A couple months ago, he released “When OneDrive Ruins Your Day” (caution: swearing), which revealed that the video was made without any Adobe tools.

In his newest video, “How I Broke up with Adobe” (caution: more swearing), he goes into a little more detail about his new pipeline.

And as a final reveal, he explains how he switched his operating system from Windows to Mint, a variant of Linux. He acknowledges that there is a learning curve, but I appreciate his explanation of the benefits of switching and his enthusiasm of the technology.

I need to switch to Linux on my secondary computer sometime this year, before Windows 10 support runs out in October. I am also looking forward to experimenting with Linux as a desktop OS, because it has been years since I used it that way (and even then, it was only for software development at work). I still don’t know if I will use Mint, Arch, or some other distribution, but it’s good to hear how well Linux is working for other people.