After building an inexpensive router table and recently upgrading the base to a cabinet, I decided to use my router table to make a picture frame. In my latest video, I show you how I made a picture frame for a 5×7 picture of Chicago I took a few years ago.
I bought some nice 1×2 pine boards and thin acrylic from Home Depot as the material for the frames. I used my circular saw to cut the pieces of the wood to the correct size with a 45 degree angle. The outside edges of the frame will measure 9.5″ by 7.5″.
I shaped the pieces using my router and some decorative router bits I bought as a set. I also used a 3/8″ rabbeting bit to add a rabbet to the back for the acrylic, picture, and backing to sit.
I glued together the routed pieces and then painted the frame black. After putting it all together with the picture, acrylic, foam core backing, and glazing points, my picture frame was ready to hang on the wall!
This was a fun, easy project that helped me get more comfortable using my router table. I learned that I should have routed the wood before I cut the pieces, because it would have made the routing easier and more accurate. But the frame still turned out very nicely, so I am happy with the result.
For more information about how I built the picture frame, watch the video above and let me know what you think in the comments here or on YouTube!