It’s the end of my second week tracking my goals and I am happy with the results so far. I did not check every box on my list, but I did just as well as my first week. I worked out twice, used Lightwave for more than four sessions, wrote in my log book each day, and meditated five times (my goal is to meditate every day; this is the only target I missed).
I finished some basic lighting setups for different times of the day, but I still need to put together the final renders into a post, which I’ll take care of soon. You can get a sneak-peak of the scene and objects by taking a look at my clay render tutorial. This week I want to try to focus on some cartoon/anime style textures and rendering techniques for backgrounds.
I also made some small tweaks to the site this week, like improving some style sheet settings and making the site a little wider to better display content.